Archive for July, 2015

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Writing for you, from my heart,
To be honest, I don’t know where to start!
(you know what I mean right “Miss TT”? :p)
You came into my life from nowhere and since then it has never been the same!
With you I have had so many perfect moments, that I could frame! 🙂

The love and care you give, the amazing personality that you are!
With you, I am happy, to have come this far!
Its not often that I write/say sweet words for you,
But when I do it, you know, I mean it, I really do!
(hard to believe eh? )

You make me smile, you drive away my tears,
(Though you did make me cry once..forgiveness granted :p)
You are the perfect example for how a true friend cares!
(or should I write true Mom? :p)

You are weird, you are stupid and crazy,

Thanks for making us friends Miss Lazy.!.
(yeah its the reference to shorty in the group :p I am gonna be killed for this!)
All I want to say is, never ever change, I would never allow!
because the original you baby, is just WOW!
(Read Saifu style :p)

I appreciate you for staying with me, when I asked you to be there by my side..
and I LOVE you for staying with me, when you did it without asking!
I appreciate you for lending a ear, when I had loads to say..
and I LOVE you for understanding me, even when I had nothing to say!
I don’t say it often..I don’t say it to many!
But yes you are the one who gives my Mondays a Friday Feel..! 😀 😀


You are a beautiful soul my friend..!
And..I Love you! 🙂 🙂


Random Ramblings..!


No one can ever take away something from you that you want to have..and by want I mean something like air for your lungs..because without it, it will be difficult to breathe..impossible to live!! You just have to keep trying and never ever matter what!! 😀 😀
~Be Strong!

I don’t exactly know what being in love feels like..admitting being in love with someone is a big big thing to do..but if it means that that person is always on your mind, you find reasons to talk to him/her, you feel like sharing the slightest events of your day, you can talk to him/her for unstoppable hours and in the end you realize it was all nonsensical, you crave to spend time with them, you have silly fights which just brings you thought about that one person while reading all these lines..then probably its love baby..!! 🙂 🙂
~Love life!

If people don’t care about you..or stop caring about you all of a sudden..then I guess its time to move on..even if you could have never imagined of the current situation ever happening in your life, its time to move on! Always have a little ego, not a bad one but a healthy one..which does not allow anyone to mess with your self esteem..and if someone persistently does that, its time to move on!! Do not be scared to give up on people..because sometimes its best to leave them in their own world and time for you to start a life without them! Value those who value you..!! 🙂 🙂
~Be strong!

Sometimes you don’t learn things the easy makes sure you learn it the harsh/hard way..but when it does, be strong..because tough times come and go..but tough people stay..! Times change, seasons change and you eventually learn to adapt yourself into the new one every single day! Its time to enjoy what you have..not to brood over what you don’t or can’t..!! 🙂 🙂
~ Love life!